Dear Marielle,
Are you ready for our last day together?
After this memorable Solstice celebration which brought us a moment of deep inner healing and transformation, it is time to step forward and fulfill our promise that we gave long time ago.
In times of chaos when things look very complicated everywhere, people like you and me remember that we came to this world to be in service to our planet. We come together and step into our destiny as the new Earth Keepers.
Even today we have gathered numerous world-class speakers who will share their powerful visions of how we finally can bring a sustainable humanity into life.
Let’s step toward global change and make a difference together!
-> This way to Earthkeepers Summit Day 3
In case you have missed our message yesterday…
…we will prolong the Earthkeepers Summit until December 28th so that you can access all the wonderful knowledge for longer and make the most of it!